Greater Boston Mass Save Rebates | Mass Save Heat Loan


How to lower your energy bills

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if some of that hard-earned money you pay for utilities to run your home or business could some how come back to you? Thanks to Mass Save rebates, it can. Think of it as earning good karma for showing the planet a little love.

Established in 2008, Mass Save is funded by utility customers across the state through a surcharge on their monthly bills. The program offers attractive incentives to encourage homeowners, renters, and businesses to minimize their carbon footprints by adopting clean, green habits like swapping energy-wasting HVAC systems for energy-saving ones.
HVAC Company

High-Efficiency Upgrades

Mass Save operates according to three-year plans developed in collaboration with the Energy Efficiency Advisory Council (EEAC) and approved by the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities. The current program, funded at $4 billion, runs through 2024.

The rebate that our customers are most excited about gives $10,000 to $16,000 back for installing electrically powered air-source heat pumps, either ducted or ductless, as the sole means of heating and cooling a home. (You need to meet an income requirement to receive the higher amount.) Our company is part of the Mass Save Heat Pump Installer Network, so if you qualify for the rebate, we’ll be happy to handle your HVAC system upgrade, using high-performance, high-efficiency upgrades equipment that complies with the program guidelines.

To qualify for the whole-home heat pump rebates, you must:
Fujitsu heat pump swap out full size air handler. This is the condenser unit

Financing options are available

Our Technician are experts

HVAC upgrades can be pricy, so it’s great to know that Mass Save can help with financing via a HEAT Loan with zero-interest payment options for up to seven years, depending on your utility company and installer. You can borrow up to $50,000 for a heat pump and $25,000 for weatherization.

In addition to the big whole-house rebate, Mass Save provides incentives for energy-efficient equipment like smart and programmable thermostats, ENERGY STAR certified windows, clothes washers and dryers, induction stoves, and lots more. You can find all the details at

If a rebate-worthy heat pump upgrade sounds good to you, give us a call to talk it over.

Want more information about the Mass Save Rebates program? Call Today!